5 Footballers Who Will Be Missed


retired legends

Football has always seen great players, legends who have played the game with their heart, passion, love, character and sportsmanship. This year, many footballers have retired from club fooball while some have gone to the lower teams to see out their long established career. Here are 5 of the footballers who will be missed by their club, country and football fans around the world.

Ryan Giggs – Manchester United – Wales

ryan giggoos

Ryan Giggs finally hanged his boots this May when he ended his long victorious career. Giggs is regarded as the most decorated player in the history of Premier League and finally he has retired and now he is an assistant coach under Louis Van Gaal in Manchester United. Giggs won 13 Premier Titles, 2 Champions’ Leagues and plenty of trophies in his long career.

Javier Zanetti – Inter Milan – Argentina

zanetti legend

He was a long serving captain for Inter Milan, one of the best midfielders of the game was a strong player who served for 20 years. A shield in the middle and difficult to get past him, a captain and a leader Javier Zanetti spent almost his entire career with Inter Milan.

Alessandro Del Piero – Juventus – Italy


Del Piero has retired from football altogether after almost 20 years with Juventus and a few time in Australia. He is Italy’s second top scorer and Juventus all time top scorer. He is a legend in the game and Juventus do miss his goal scoring abilities.

Carlos Puyol – Barcelona – Spain

puyol barca legend

Barcelona’s long serving captain and one of the best Centre Backs of the game has finally called it a day after age and struggles for injuries. He came through the academy of Barcelona, one of the greatest defenders who played with heart, love, passion for the club and country.

Frank Lampard – Chelsea – England

lampard retired

Chelsea’s highest goal scorer and one of the best midfielders in the game, Frank Lampard has left Chelsea and will spend some time playing in the Major League Soccer before retiring. He is one of the best penalty takers and a great player on and off the field for Chelsea.

– Jainam Jhaveri


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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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