5 Gadgets Killed By Phones, Tablets



1)      Camera

Nowadays, top gadgets like Apple iPhone 5S, Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One offer better photo quality than many prosumer cameras. These smarphones have killed the camera requirement, which was earlier a must gadget.

portable music and video player

2)      Portable music and video player     

Portable music and video players were getting outdated even before smartphones camera appeared in the market, with feature phones doubling up as the media player of choice for many.

However, the arrival of iPhone dealt a deadly blow to MP3 players, while iPads killed theportable video player. The Android-powered counterparts of the two Apple gadgets only sped upthe process.


3)      Calculator

Calculators got the boot as soon as the modest feature phones arrived on the scene. With most mobile phones packing an in-built calculator, there was no longer a need to carry calculators separately. The arrival of smartphone further worsened the situation for calculators, as apps made even scientific calculators redundant for most users.

pc and laptop

4)      PC and Laptop

The personal computer is dying a slow death courtesy tablets. Tablets are a much better option for those who want to mainly watch movies, surf the internet and play a few games.


5)      Flashlight
Flashlight once used to be a must-have utility item in every home. But as smartphones became ubiquitous, everyone had a flashlight app in their phone. And the flashlight, thus, died a quiet death.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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