5 Indian places that you must visit before you Die!


India, a country of many religions and life. People from each and every corner of the world come to visit India every year. Indian crowd loves the visitors and are always happy seeing a foreigner come here and explore the places in India.

In today’s time, India has become a spot for travel and the most favourite amongst the tourist who love to explore. If you love exploring and experiencing new places for travel, then here is the list of top 5 places to visit in India before we die.

1. Kerela Back- Waters: 


The most beautiful of back waters in the world is situated in Kerala. The waterfalls and the tiny lakes are the most famous and the surrounding area being so peaceful enough to hear the water gushing down the river. The environment is the cleanest in this area and being here we experience each and every breath of ours.

The food available is mainly south Indian dishes like IDLI, DOSA, and FISH. The living lifestyle here is far much different than that of other states. People prefer wearing a LUNGI here due to its overwhelming and scorching heat.

2. Taj Mahal, Agra:


One of the wonders of the Seven Wonders of the World is situated in INDIA. The Taj Mahal is the only monument which is completely made of marble. It is the symbol of love. The great mughal king, SHAHJAHAN had built this monument in the name of one of his queens, MUMTAZ BEGUM. It‘s one of the marvellous creation of mankind which was built without the use of any machinery.

The marbles are carved and the gaps are filled with colourful stones in different shapes and sizes. The architecture is such that one of its gates is also called as the optical illusion, i.e. as we go near, the monument goes far and as we go back the monument appears to be near.

The garden in front of the monument is constructed with the number of years it took to be built, i.e. 24. The real coffin of MUMTAZ is beneath the one actually situated in the monument. After the death of the king, he too was buried alongside her queen in the monument.

3. The Himalayan Ranges:


 One of the iconic places all over the world. It has the most number of mountains in its region and is also covered with ice 24×7. It also covers the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest. The Himalayan ranges are extended from north India to northwest India.

It has the biggest area covered under it. The life in near the Himalayan ranges is very difficult as it is either too cold or too windy weather over there. It is also one of the most favourite points for foreign skiers to surf. 

4. Himachal Pradesh:


The himachal tourism is one of the best tourism in North West India. The rivers here are mostly the melt of the Himalayan ice. The water is icy cold and forceful enough to pull us away. The favourite sport over here is the river rafting and river crossing.

The kids here love the tourists and always have a smile on their face for us. The cool and pleasant weather here presents a combination of hot and cold together. Hot if we stay inside the room for ever and cold if we explore the place at around 4 degree and sometimes even in minus.

5. Gir Forest, Gujrat:


One of the only place in India were the iconic Asiatic tigers are seen.  The tourists come here to see the lions and the open jungle and the other wild animals. The tourists get to see the lions in two ways. One is by the way of an open jeep and one is inside the cage where we are seated inside the caged jeep and the lions are set free upon us.

The lions are 400 in total and the other animals are kept under the watch for their protection. The lions which are on the verse of becoming extinct are cared of here.

These are the 5 places we should visit once in order to know the each and every corner of India. But the best part of it is that we all are Indian and are proud to have such places in our country.

– Jiten Godhania 

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