5 Innovative Reasons Energy is Technology’s Next Big Thing


In Washington DC, ARPA-E hosted an annual summit where researchers displayed their latest work on energy technologies. These projects are still being developed by the respective startups and proves why Energy is technology’s next big thing:




1) This model takes advantage of natural air movements in hot areas. As soon as the sun’s heat hits the ground, a layer of hot air forms at ground level. The hit air rising through the turbine generates electricity.


2) Solar cells have been developed to absorb ultraviolet and infrared light rather than visible light portion of the spectrum. It allows to make transparent solar cells which generates electricity. This technology will be used on power-generating windows or placed over screens of e-readers and tablet computers to recharge them.



3) The control software for electric motors improves performance and efficiency. It reduces energy consumption by 10-40% which could extend the range of electric vehicles or make factories more efficient.



4) These are flexible capacitors made with nanoparticle ink. This will make LED lights cheaper and smaller. It will be a part of power electronics package.



5) This software will allow utilities to send price-change signals to millions of customers and prompt them to reduce energy use. It will help utilities accommodate  fluctuations in wind and solar power. This system can communicate with thermostats to control cooling systems.

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