5 Interesting Facts That You Must Know About The First Woman IPS officer ‘Kiran Bedi’


Kiran Bedi

Kiran Bedi is an Indian politician, social activist. She joined the police service in 1972 and became the first woman officer in the IPS. Bedi held the post of Director General at the Bureau of Police Research and Development before she voluntarily retired from the IPS in December 2007.

Here are some Interesting Facts that you must know about ‘Kiran Bedi’:

1. Kiran Bedi was awarded Ramon Magsaysay award in 1994 for Government service.

Here is the image of Kiran Bedi while receiving the Ramon Magsaysay award:

kiran bedi won Ramon Magsaysay award

2.  In May 2005 Kiran Bedi was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Law in recognition of her “humanitarian approach to prison reforms and policing”. On 27 November 2007 Kiran Bedi expressed her wish to voluntarily retire from the police force to undertake new challenges in life.

3. In 2014,Kiran Bedi expressed her desire to serve the country in the Narendra Modi led government, by offering herself to join the BJP. After meeting with the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, on 15 January 2015  Kiran Bedi joined the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP).

Here is the image of Kiran Bedi:

Kiran Bedi joins bjp


4.  Australian film maker Megan Doneman had produced a non fiction feature film on Kiran Bedi’s life, Yes Madam, Sir. In 2006 Oystein Rakkenes released another documentary on Kiran Bedi and her prison revolution in Tihar Central Jail, In Gandhi’s footsteps.

Here is the image of Kiran Bedi with Megan Doneman:

screening of ye madam sir

Here is the image of the poster Yes Madam, Sir:


5. Kiran Bedi also became host in 2009–10 on the TV show Aap Ki Kachehri Kiran Ke Saath on Star Plus.

Here is the image of Kiran Bedi in Aap Ki Kachehri Kiran Ke Saath:


 Aap Ki Kachehri Kiran Ke Saath

Kiran Bedi Joins BJP:

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Soumya Nadar


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