5 Interesting Facts That You Must Know About ‘Vishal Sikka’


5 Interesting Facts That You Must Know About ‘Vishal Sikka’

Vishal Sikka

Vishal Sikka is the CEO and MD of Infosys. Before joining Infosys Vishal Sikka was a member of the Executive Board of SAP AG and the Global Managing Board, leading all SAP products and innovation globally. Vishal Sikka is a computer scientist and has business experience.

Here are some Interesting Facts that you must know about ‘Vishal Sikka’:

1. In April 2007 Vishal Sikka was named SAP’s first-ever CTO reporting to then CEO Henning Kagermann. On 4 May 2014 Vishal Sikka, Executive Board Member for Products and Innovation, announced his departure from the Executive Board for personal reasons.

Vishal Sikka in SAP

Vishal Sikka was named the first-ever chief technology officer of SAP in April 2007 and joined the company’s executive board in 2010.

2. On 12 June 2014 Infosys Ltd named Vishal Sikka as its Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director. He receives $5.08 Million (INR30 Crores) and stock worth $2 million as annual compensation.

Vishal Sikka - infosys

3. Corporates have been finding new ways to reward top performers, instead of simply handing out more cash. Vishal Sikka Infosys CEO gifted iPhone 6 to 3,000 employees as holiday bonus. It’s an unusual gesture for the company and perhaps part of an effort to stem the high attrition rate.

vishal sikka 2

4. Vishal Sikka’s “holiday bonus” came as a big surprise to employees. One of the employee said they had not been indulged in this manner before.

infosys employees

British Prime Minister David Cameron addresses delegates and employees of Infosys at the Infosys India headquarters.

5. There’s also been a stream of positive communication from Vishal Sikka, including efforts to reach out personally to employees putting in their papers to persuade them to stay, and calling on former employees to return to Infosys.

Here is the image of Training overview at Infosys:

Training overview at Infosys

In Conversation With Vishal Sikka, The CEO and MD of Infosys:


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Soumya Nadar


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