5 Interesting Facts That You Should Know About The American Animated Short Film ‘Frozen Fever’


Frozen Fever

Frozen Fever poster

Frozen Fever is an upcoming 2015 American animated short film. Frozen Fever is directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. It is a sequel to the 2013 Walt Disney Animation Studios film Frozen.

Here are some of the Interesting Facts that you must know about ‘Frozen Fever’:

1. The film Frozen Fever stars Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad. Frozen Fever Releases in theatres on March 13, 2015.

Here is the poster of ‘Frozen Fever’:

Disney Frozen Fever

2. The Cast are as follows:

Kristen Bell as Anna, Princess of Arendelle and Elsa’s younger sister.

Idina Menzel as Elsa, Snow Queen of Arendelle and Anna’s elder sister.

Jonathan Groff as Kristoff, an iceman accompanied by a reindeer named Sven.

Josh Gad as Olaf, a snowman who dreams of experiencing summer.

Here is the image of Kristen Bell:

kristen bell

Here is the image of Idina Menzel:

Idina Menzel

Here is the image of Jonathan Groff:

Jonathan groff

Here is the image of Josh Gad:

Josh Gad

3. The summary of the Film is that “it’s Anna’s birthday and Elsa and Kristoff are determined to give her the best celebration ever, but Elsa’s icy powers may put more than just the party at risk.” Olaf the snowman will also make an appearance in the film.

Here is the Image of Frozen Fever:

Frozen Fever

4. On December 3, 2014, it was announced that Aimee Scribner will be a co-producer and that Frozen Fever will debut in theaters with Disney’s Cinderella on March 13, 2015.

Here is the Image of  Frozen Fever:

Frozen Fever


5. The Running time of the short film Frozen Fever is 7 minutes.

Here is the image of Frozen Fever:

poster of Frozen Fever

First Look of the short film ‘Frozen Fever’:


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Soumya Nadar


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