5 Interesting Hilarious ‘Modi’ Tweets Trending on Twitter





  1. Praise Modi: You are a Bhakt Praise Hinduism: You are a RSS agent Slam Modi: You are a liberal Slam Hinduism: You are a hope.
  2. If Rahul/Modi wins by mistake from & then power of common man & democracy will loose
  3. Any cheap scum will utter any shit against Modi & the TV channels spread it all across your screen in the name of news
  4. ‘Won’t allow Modi to become PM even if he has majority’-Mamata how is she planning to do that?Wid the help of some good old Bangali Jadoo
  5. Hey miss Mayawati ji! Priyanka Wadra said to Modi ji > “Neech Raajneeti” na ki “Nichli Raajneeti”|Neech aur Nichli mein antar bhi nahh pata?

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