5 Interesting Reasons To Ditch Watching ‘Ragini MMS 2’ This Weekend


Ragini MMS 2

1) The sequel goes much further in the down-and-dirty aspect, because it has a perfect lead to deliver on its promises. The original film was all about a sexy weekend between a horny fellow and his nervous-but-willing girlfriend.

2) Casting Sunny Leone a director will never make some so called “sidha – saadha ” film . There is the haunted house, and the ‘chudail’, and Sunny and her endless arrangement of baby-doll night-wear, Sunny Leone is portrayed as a girl with body but no brains.There’s this scene of Director played by Parvin Dabbas and Sunny Leone and the dialogue is   — Director: is it hot or is it you? Sunny: err, global warming?

3) There’s Sandhya Mridul, acting so well against type as the hair-brained wannabe who knows that she has to ‘compro’ to get somewhere.

4) Divya Dutta playing the  ‘psychiatrist’ with a book of ‘mantras’ at hand to chase evil spirits away.

5) Hardly any logic in the movie !! for e.g. The senior crew member staying in the haunted house and the actors staying in the hotel ?!

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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