When Will People Understand
Words Can Cut As Sharply As Any Blade
Those Cuts Leave Scars Upon Our Souls….
Just Two people r Happiest in this World:
> One is Mad
> Other is Child
Be a Mad 2 Achieve What U Desire,
Be a Child 2 Enjoy What U Have…
Think Over It
Opinions Are Like Wrist Watches.
Everyone’s Watch Shows Different Time.
But, Everyone Believes That Their Time Is Correct..
When you keep saying you are busy,
Then you are never free.
When you keep saying you have no time,
Then you will never have time.
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow
Then your tomorrow will never come??
Life is like a coin.
Pleasure and pain are the 2 sides
Only 1 side is visible at a time.
But remember other side is also waiting for it’s turn ….. !!