5 Interesting Ways To Celebrate Singlehood


Celebrate Singlehood


Were we all born with a soul mate or a life partner? What is the period called when you are in a process of finding someone? It is being single or singlehood. We were all single once and many of us are still single waiting for the right guy or girl. So what do we do when we don’t have anybody? Or we are finding somebody for ourselves? Crib over it? Like we say when I will get a guy yaa….Or I am so unlucky that I am not getting a guy and it is the vice-versa with the guys.

Common people we have just one life and we shouldn’t at all waste even a moment out of it. We celebrate Birthdays, Anniversaries and Monsaries and don’t know what else. We all believe that we just need an excuse to celebrate or sometimes we celebrate even that. Like we celebrate relationships sometimes even breakup (laughs) then why not Singlehood or being Single. Just think about it this is something which doesn’t remain most of us for long….so why not enjoy it?

You should celebrate your days of being single. We shouldn’t waste even a second of life every second is precious and we know time once gone never comes back…So let’s see different ways to celebrate single hood.

  1. Pamper yourself

It means do what you like but not something wrong (winks).Like groom yourself with different hairstyles, with regular massage, shopping, workout and everything else just for yourself…in other words do everything that makes you happy.


  1. Do crazy stuffs

It means doing things which others will feel stupid but do it because you like to do it. It will give you happiness and make you life exciting. Example, Color your hair with a funky color or pick up dressing sense which you like and others find it funny.


  1. Roam the world

The best thing is roam some beautiful holiday destination meet new people, explore new places and new things. By going around new places we learn a lot of new things.


  1. Hang out with friends

Being single you have lot of time which you can give to your friends. Go hangout with them or even better make some new friends in a way socialize and know people around you.


  1. Master your hobby

Dancing is my passion and hobby and a continuous practice will make me perfect in it. You don’t know when it will turn out to be your strength and source of income. (Winks)


So what are you waiting for Singles, get up and get ready to celebrate life. Every minute of life teaches you something so don’t waste it thinking and doing nothing rather go and make yourself  a better person, if not for yourself but someone yet to come.

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