5 Interestingly Awkward Internship Jokes, Stories You’ll Die Laughing



1) An intern arrived at 8.45 in the morning (early before the reporting time) to impress his manager. As he was trying to open the door by applying enough force, someone came up from behind and shouted:
What are you doing?
Intern – Trying to get in.
Yes, but why?
Intern – Because I am an intern.
The doors are locked until 9am and you should ask your manager for a security pass.
It’s just day 2 and the receptionist already hates him.

Boss: “So, how was your weekend?”
Intern: “It was okay.”
Boss: “Did you get to do anything fun and exciting?”
Intern: “No.”
Boss throws his arms up in the air: “Why on earth not?!!?”
Intern: “Because I’m an unpaid intern expected to work full time for free. I have no expendable income at the moment.”
*Awkward silence*

As the intern, it’s the duty to update the company’s twitter account using Tweetdeck. The intern realized that he could also add his own personal account to Tweetdeck so that he could update his personal account as well as the company’s account with less effort.
Obviously, this was not a good idea.
After getting drenched in the rain, the intern tweeted about being soaked in the rain. He realized right away what he had done and deleted it within a minute. But of course, his boss saw it right away and replied “Have we changed our Twitter guidelines?”

The intern was talking with his boss before he went home. They were just chatting about his articles when the intern proceeded to ask his boss questions on what writing style he should do his articles in.

The boss paused for a moment then said “Let’s put it this way, you can’t get fired for the way you write.”


5) Internship View At Office:
“So what’s your desk like?”
“It’s ok.”
“Do you sit near a window?”
“Yes, I do.”
“That’s nice! What’s your view?”
“A wall.”
“A wall?”
“Yes. A brick wall.”

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