5 Latest Updates About the 2015 Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections You Must Know


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The Delhi Legislative Assembly also known as the Vidhan Sabha is a unicameral law making body of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. It is situated at Delhi with 70 members of the legislative assembly.

Here are 5 recent updates on the assembly elections, 2015

1) The Election Commission announced on Monday, that the Delhi Assembly Elections will be held on 7 February 2015 and counting to be held on 10 February 2015.

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2) The analysts and experts may not give Congress any chance in the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections but Congress would not like to give up straight away. According to reports, former Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs, Ajay Maken has been chosen to lead to lead the party’s campaign.

ajay maken1 COngress


3) Arvind Kejriwal, former Chief Minister of Delhi, addressed a gathering at the St. Aloysius Degree College in New Delhi claiming that people wanted his party to return to power rewarding the quantitative work his party did in the 49 day rule.

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4) “Prices of essential commodities have come down ever since Modi rule has come into action and households are saving Rs. 1500 – Rs. 4500 monthly”, said the BJP president Amit Shah while addressing a rally at Delhi Ramlila Maidan. While targeting the AAP, Shah said, “The Aam Aadmi Party has set a record of lying and no one can defeat them in that aspect.”

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5) AAP leader Yogendra Yadav on Saturday said, “It seems the Prime Minister is scared of our popularity,”  Yadav said ” Modi could not control himself,” on his reply to Modi addressing the BJP rally at Ramlila Maidan.

BJP rally yogendra-yadav

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing at a BJP rally at Ramlila Maidan



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