5 Most Awesome Hilarious Sonakshi Sinha Trolls, Jokes, Memes, Pictures For Facebook & WhatsApp


Sonakshi Sinha is always in news for her back-to-back hit movie releases or criticisms from the movie-goers about her weight. Sonakshi is the queen of Box-office and one of the leading actresses of Bollywood who celebrated her birthday just a week before.

Here we present 5 Most Awesome Hilarious Sonakshi Sinha Trolls, Jokes, Memes, Pictures For Facebook & WhatsApp:

  1. “Initially i was skeptical about FDI in retail…i mean where is the space to build new malls…and then i saw Sonakshi Sinha’s forehead.” By Jurno Least.
  2. “To make sure she sticks the Bindi at the right spot on her forehead, Sonakshi Sinha uses Google earth.” By Ravikanth.
  3. “You could project and watch an entire movie on Sonakshi Sinha’s forehead. In High Definition.” By Dj Sweetest Devil.The second innings between Mumbai Indians vs Bangalore Royal Challengers is being played on Sonakshi Sinha’s forehead.
  4. Sonakshi Sinha’s boyfriend takes a day off of work if she asks him to kiss her forehead.
  5. If in case it rains, we can always use Sonakshi Sinha’s shiny forehead as a pitch.



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