5 Most Awesome Hilarious Tiger Shroff’s Heropanti Trolls, Jokes, Memes, Pictures For Facebook & WhatsApp


Heropanti got released 2 weeks ago by beating Rajinikanth’s release at the Box office. Although the movie has crossed 30 crore and counting, social media couldn’t stop making fun of Tiger Shroff’s Heropanti.

Here we present 5 Most Awesome Hilarious Tiger Shroff’s Heropanti Trolls, Jokes, Memes, Pictures For
Facebook & WhatsApp:
  1. Kareena Kapoor has gone from size zero to size hero in Heropanti. What arms, man!
  2. I don’t think Modi can protect this country. Since he won, two terror attacks have already happened – ‘The Xpose’ and ‘Heropanti’.
  3. No one is talking abt Heropanti’s new heroine. Tiger Shroff ne uska Women Empowerment wala aspect bhi chura liya..

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