5 Most beautiful Wedding Rituals in India.


Wedding is undoubtedly the most important event in one’s life. They are carried out with utmost sanctity with rituals and customs which are followed by generation over generation! It is a life changing event not only for a girl because she is going to spend the rest of her life with someone else and not her parents but also for her partner, as he has to accept her as an equal partner in every decision, sorrow, joy etc for the rest of their lives together. There are many different rituals for different sects of Hindus across India, but these 5 rituals are the core and common rituals for every Hindu wedding ceremony.

1. Jaimala (Exchange of Garlands): The couple exchanges garlands as a gesture of acceptance of another in their lives. This is to show that they will respect each other as partners and pledge for the same.

2. Kanyadan (Giving away of the Bride): The bride’s father places his daughter’s hand which he had held since her birth, in the groom’s hand. He does this with faith that the groom will keep his daughter happy and requesting him to accept her as an equal partner.

3. Saptapardi (Seven Steps Together): Popularly known as the ‘Saath Phere’, are the seven steps signifying their beginning of their lives together. Each steps is a vow to each other which they take and promise to keep it for the rest of their lives together.

4. Sindhoor and Mangalsutra (Red Powder and Thread of Goodwill): The groom applies a small dot of vermilion, a powdered red lead to the bride’s forehead, accepting her as his partner. He then gives his bride a necklace, which is a symbol of their marriage.

5. Vidai( Farewell): This is the happiest and the saddest moment in a bride’s life. She has a mix of emotions when it comes to Vidai. She cries because she is no more going to live with her parents and smiles because she is going to have a new life with her partner and share her life with him.

Don’t you think even a small ritual has a lot of importance in a married couple’s life and has a beautiful meaning with it? Which is your favorite Hindu wedding ritual?

– Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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