5 Most Dangerous and Terrifying Ancient Sports



Sports have been played from ancient times, it is said that even Gods used to play sports. Some modern day sports are inspired by the ancient sports and even some ancient sports are still played in this modern world. Here are some of the very very very old sports which were invented long long time ago.


You must have seen in the movies or in T V channels like Discovery or History. This must be the most terrifying game ever. It used to take place in Colloseum where huge crowd used to enjoy watching fighters try to win by killing each other. It is a blood thirsty game and was not for mild hearts.

Chariot Racing

Racing in a chariot just like Car racing nowadays and we know how dangerous car racing is. But Chariot Racing was far more dangerous and ended up in many deaths


Played in Ireland even now, this sport is a mixture of hockey and football. It is the fastest sport on grass in the world and is dangerous and players get bloodied.


This game played by Red Indians in Mississippi This game was about throwing spears at sharp stones. It was particularly easy game but dangerous as the losers used to commit suicide due to loosing huge amount of money on betting.


This sport is played in Argentina and it is a mixture of polo and basketball. In this sport participants used to attack each other riding on a horse to a duck was used as a ball which was thrown and riders used to catch just like polo but a bit of difference.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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