5 Most Innovative Startups In The World To Inspire You To Be A Creative Entrepreneur


Do you know that creative industries are symbolic representation of the country’s cultural identity and diversity? Although there aren’t powerhouses but they are fast emerging as potential contributors to business growth.

Here we present 5 Most Innovative Startups In The World To Inspire You To Be A Creative Entrepreneur – 

creative business


1)    Behance:

It is a web-based platform for creative people. You need not show your resumes but you have to be confident to turn your ideas into reality. It has connected with advertising and creative agencies to discover artists and designers. CEO of the firm believes “Keep a notebook, indulge your obsessions, share ideas and work hard”.


2)    FreeForm:

It provides emotionally engaging campaigns that entertain and inspire change and action. The company aims to make the world a better place to live in. They have created content for TED, Clinton Global Initiative etc. and they call for nationwide community service.


3)    Kickstarter:

It is a web-based platform that crowdsources funding for creative projects. The policy of the film is that if a project doesn’t reach its goal, the donations – of which Kickstarter gets a 5 percent cut – doesn’t get processed.


4)    Boxee:

It is a open-source portal which lets users to consume all their digital media from their television. It pulls from more than 300 sources of online music, video and photos from Flickr, Pandora, Netflix. It is a free application which lets friends share info about what they are watching via Twitter, Tumblr etc. It is a box that lets you access all your content without the help of a PC.


5)    Chatroulette:

It is website that connects random users via Webcam and allows them to “next” their partners whenever they please. It is a stage for weird performance art, nudity and perverts. The site attracts more than million users a day and has become an internet fad for weird people.


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