5 Most Popular Sportsmen on the Internet You Never Knew About!


Internet is a great source for fans to support and follow their favorite stars. Internet has been an important source of information for sports fans around the world. Sites like Facebook and Twitter has helped the world know the popularity of athletes and let fans connect to them in a way. These are 5 of the most popular athletes who are flooded with popularity on the internet.

Tiger Woods


Tiger is regarded as the greatest golfer ever. He has been world’s richest sportsman and is a popular figure on and off the field. Tiger Woods has got 3 million Facebook fans and he used to be really popular in news and controversy. Now he may be twilight of his career but still has got a good fan base.

Cristiano Ronaldo


One of the best footballer on the planet and he has played for 2 of the biggest and the most popular clubs in the the world Manchester United and Real Madrid, that just shows what quality of a player he is. This Portuguese attacker has got over 90 million fans just on Facebook.

Lionel Messi


Arguably the best player in the world is Messi and he has got a huge fan following being the main man at Barcelona. He has won almost all trophies in Football and now he will be more key to Barca’s success as the old players seem to retire and Messi being at his prime age.

LeBron James

lebron james

LeBron James is arguably best Basketball player right now and in popularity he is surely the best among current players. The Cleveland Cavaliers forward has got 20 million fans on Facebook itself.

Rafael Nadal


Rafael Nadal is just above Roger Federer in Facebook fans having more than 14 million of them and when it comes to Tennis he has given a hard time to arguably the best tennis player in history Roger Federer and Nadal is surely one of the best players in the game.

– Jainam Jhavei

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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