5 Most Unique Festivals Celebrated Around The World


Every country, culture, religion has festivals. Festivals are a symbol of culture, unity, peace, history, freedom and everyone enjoys festivals. Festivals are a great social norm too. India is a unique country with hundreds of different festivals like Kumbh Mela, Ganeshotsav, Holi, etc which are unique and important and define the Hindu culture of India. Same way there is really unique and incredible festivals around the globe so let’s look at the most unique festivals celebrated in the world.

1) Rio de Janeiro Festival, Brazil


Rio de Janeiro is one of the world’s most popular festivals and it is the biggest carnivals in the world. This is a massive carnival where there are exotic dancers doing the samba, colorful costumes looking like bird feathers. It’s a big party where millions of people are together in one city the capital of Brazil, Rio de Janerio.

2) Saint Patrick’s Day, Ireland

st patricks day

It is a day celebrated on 17th March in the memory of Saint Patrick. It is all green, the shops, clothes, costumes etc as it is the national color Ireland. There are parades where there is band, people with unique costumes representing the Irish culture.

3) La Tomatina, Spain


It is held in Valencia, Spain. It is a festival of tomatoes.  In this festival tomatoes are thrown at each other. It is a festival where large number of people participates and throws tomatoes, dance and enjoy together. Later sliding through the squashed tomatoes is a joy.

4) Carnival of Venice, Italy


It is a festival where people in Venice where masks and there are dancers, bands, entertainers around in Venice. This festival is a sign of freedom.

5) Day of the Dead, Mexico

Day of the Dead

It is celebrated in Mexico. This festival is about remembering the people who have died like friends, family etc. It is a bank holiday on 1st and 2nd of November in Mexico for Dia de Muertos. In this festival people make skulls, go to cemeteries and offer foods and beverages to the deceased as a gift to their soul.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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