5 New Social-Media Platforms Worth a Look



Whenever marketers or companies launch social media campaigns, they usually focus on major networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. But for smaller-business it’s optimum to start their campaigns with lesser known sites to reach out to new customers. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn  are popular for business marketing as they bring in largest membership numbers but the popularity of new networking sites like Instagram, Snapchat and Vine is increasing tremendously everyday. The benefit of social marketing in lesser known sites is that there exist a little competition for user attention. You can use the following 5 platforms to start your social media campaigns right away:

1- Sulia.


Social networking sites are mishmash of everything. Posts in Sulia are segmented in various categories such as politics, entertainment, sports etc so it’s much easier and faster to surf the site. It separates itself from other sites by this segmentation. Users serve as content curators, posting photos, links to interesting stories, etc., to engage other members. They can like a post, comment on it and can share it on Facebook. Sulia users earn “trust” ratings from other users demoting the respective post to be taken more seriously.

2-  Sharebloc.


Sharebloc began a content delivery system called VendorStack. After several transformation the site reinvented itself as Sharebloc i.e a B2B content delivery network focusing on businesses and helping them grow by networking. You can compare it with LinkenIn but  the site takes more of content-driven approach. Users can submit their own articles and can share articles they come across the internet. All in all, it helps the users and their  business grow.

3- Pheed.


In my previous post Most Marketers make these 6 mistakes daily, I had talked about how visual content is more effective than written one. Pheed focuses on this. It allows users to share videos, photos and text content too. Users have various subscription offers ranging  in price from $1.99 to $34.99 per month. It helps companies post their seminars and tutorials by their pay-per-view option which increases the company’s revenue.

4- Bubblews.


It’s co-founder Arvind Dixit says people spend hours of time each week promoting their content on social media sites with information. He thinks they should actually be paid for it. More than 200,000 people have signed up. Dixit concedes that most don’t have a huge following and don’t make much money. However, he believes a model that lets people make money off their social interactions has a future. 

5- Learni.st.


It is a source of knowledge. Learni.st provides users to post their content on “boards” shared with other members. Users can even create boards of their own industry attracting the members having same interest. Else than free content from users and members of the site, it provides premium content from big names  like filmmaker Gus Van Sant and former professional football player Dhani Jones.

It’s always better to be noticed in an audience of smaller strength than to be ignored and unheard in the larger audience strength. When you are opting for social marketing campaigns do make sure you consider atleast 2-3 of the above platforms. 

– Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)

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