5 New Unknown News Right From The Sets Of Ted 2 You Ought To Know


Ted 2 is the sequel version of a 2012 release Ted.It is not just sequel by name but also its story is the continuation sortish of the first series, it is a comic genre. Here are few facts that you ought to know

1.It is said to be released on 26th of June 2015.

2.Amanda Seyfried is the female lead of the film. She was recently found trying to juggle wine bottles for a scene in the film.

Amanda Seyfried in Ted2
Amanda Seyfried in Ted2

3.MacFarlane who is the actor and director is also the creator of “The Family Guy”.

Directed by Mac Flarance

4.The music is composed by Walter Murphy.

Walter Murphy composing for Ted2
Walter Murphy composing for Ted2

5. People have really high expectations from the film as its first part had won hearts and awards all across.

The Official Trailer of TED2

6. Liam Neeson is also seen playing a role for the movie.

Liam Neeson in Ted2
Liam Neeson in Ted2

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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