5 Of The Best Street Foods In Mumbai We Can’t Live Without


Mumbai is a city of dreams. It has everything, big industries, Bollywood, tourist spots, architecture, beaches and the most important its street foods. If you are hungry you can have something in every street. Mumbai is a city where you will never be out of food as you can mind so many delicious foods in every street, every road. So let us have a look at some of the best street foods.

1) Frankie

Aloo Veg Frankie or Kati Rolls

It has become popular among teenagers and you can find a Frankie stall near many major colleges in Mumbai. It’s a joy eating a Cheese Veg Frankie at dirt cheap rate.

2) Sandwich


Sandwich is one of the most popular and a good for health street food. It’s pretty good for snack as it can fill your empty tummy.

3) Pani Puri


Tasty, Yummy and Delicious, having a plate of pani puri near chowpatty is a joy. It is a snack which you will always enjoy.

4) Wada Pav


When you talk about Mumbai you just cannot forget about Wada Pav. It is the most popular street food for the middle class and they eat it and love it every day. It’s cheap and good for a quick snack.

5) Bhel


Bhel puri is another common street food among Mumbaikars and Indians too as it is popular all over India but specially in Mumbai. One another type is Sev Puri where there is stuff added on ‘Puri’.



– Jainam Jhaveri


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