5 Places You Must Visit Before You Die!



We live in a great big World with even greater yet untouched places to unravel. Here a list of places that should be must visits in your bucket list…

#Wish No. 1: Witness a Frozen Wonder

Skatefall Ice Cave, Iceland


Ever wanted to be lost in a frozen paradise here is a chance to do so. Feel like you are a member in a spectacular Narnia like experience!

#Wish No. 2: Witness a Peculiar Garden!

The Gardens at Marqueyssac, France.


A botanical  splendor offering many a twist and turns .A true blend of man’s creativity plus natures wonder.

# Wish No. 3: Witness my reflection through nature’s lens

Salar De Yuni


located in the Potosi southwest Bolivia  is at an elevation of 3,656 meters (11,995 ft) above sea level. Ever thought you could walk in water .Here is where you can do so the worlds largest mirror…  Salar de Yuni

#Wish No. 4  : Take the road less travelled by..

Bahamas, Copperfield Bay – Musha Cay.


Imagine a stay a midst a chain of  eleven islands  islands owned   by the famous illusionist  David Seth Kotkin Aka David Copperfield  Did you know the famous Google co –founder Sergey Brin got  married here…

# Wish No. 5 : Witness a river of Flowers

Keukenhof, Holland


Ever imagined witnessing a river of  a splendid assortment of flowers (over 6 million tulips). Keukenhof also known as the Garden of Europe is the world’s second largest flower garden make sure you visit the attraction during mid March and May.

 – Khyati Kotiyan

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