5 Punjabi Foods You Just Can’t Miss!


punjabi food

Punjab is a northern state of India and is very popular for its rich food. Punjabi dishes is simple, healthy and yet has its own fascination. Punjabi dishes are much loved across India and are well known for packing a punch.Delicious food and continual eating is somewhat of a birthright for Punjabi’s. It is said that people eat to live but Punjabi’s live to eat.The famous dishes like are popular all over India. Following are few gems of Punjabhope you will like them :-

  1. Sarson da Saag and Makki di Roti :

makke di roti and sarson da saag

SarsonkaSaag and Makki di Roti is thetraditional dish of Punjab. It is the most popular winter dish of Punjabis. It is a highly nutritious because mustard leaves contain a lot of iron and protein.But at the same time it can be little high on calories if it is served traditionally with lots of ghee or butter. Along with mustard leaves, spinach is also added which further enhances the nutritional value and taste of saag.

  1. Punjabi Sweet Lassi :

sweet lassi

Sweet LassiLassi is the favourite drink of Punjabis. It is made from beaten curd and milk. It is a healthy drink as it does not contain any artificial flavours. It is usually served in tall steel glasses.A glass of thick and creamy lassi can be had with breakfast or lunch or even otherwise. It is believed that lassi induces sleep. So beware when you have it during working hours!

  1. Aaloo da Prantha :


Aaloo da ParathaIn Punjab, stuffed Prantha is a routine breakfast. The stuffing can be potatoes or cheese or cauliflower etc. Aaloo da Prantha is the easiest and the most relished one. It is cooked in loads of ghee and served with curd or white butter. So whenever you have it, count your calories for the day!

  1. Rajma Masala Chawal :


Rajma chawal is one of the favorite main course dishes of all Punjabi’s irrespective of age. It is served with steaming hot boiled rice called chawal. It is very popular for most of Punjabi families on weekends. Rajma is rich in iron and protein while rice is rich in carbohydrates. Therefore it is a wholesome meal.

  1. Paneer Makhani Hariyali :


Hariyali paneer makhani is a punjabi paneer recipe with succulent paneer cubes cooked in creamy green gravy. The gravy is prepared by mixing spinach and makhan (cream) and is aptly spiced to suit every palate.

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