1)Â Google news is a free news aggregator, provided and operated by Google, which selects up to date news from thousands of publications.
2) In September 2000, a beta version of it was launched, the official release was in January 2006. The idea was developed by Krishna Bharat.
3) The Google news is available in 28 different languages and versions for more than 60 regions. The owner of Google News is Google, Inc.
4)The service covers news article appearing within the past 30 days on various news websites. In total, Google News aggregates content for more than 25000 publishers. It covers about 4500 sites for English language and fewer for other languages.
5)The reader’s first click to the content is free, later on the number after that is set by the content provider. On May 16 2011, the layout of Google News underwent a major revision.