5 Quick Facts About Indian Police Service (IPS) You Need To Know


1:- The Indian Police Service or IPS , is one of the three All India Service of the Government Of India. It was formed in 1948, replacing the Indian Imperial Police.

2:-IPS officers are selected from the state police cadres and from the rigorous Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) every year.

3:- The IPS was formed to fulfill duties based on border responsibilities, crime prevention, counter-terrorism, corruption in public life, disaster management, etc.

4:-The recent case of Mehdi Masroor Biswas who was arrested for posting online threats at twitter to DCP(Abhishek Goyal). The twitter message said,”@goyal_abhei we will not leave our brothers in your hand. Revenge is coming wait for our rection.”

5:- The police officers reaction to the threat was very calm, He said,”Personally I’m not taking the threat very seriously. Not much alarmed.”download (5) download (6) download (7)images (41) images (42) images (43) images (44) images (45) images (46) images (47) images (48) images (51) images (52) images (53) images (54) images (55) images (56) images (57) images (58)images (37) images (38) images (39) images (40)images (49) images (50)






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Aisha Khan

Hello there. I am Aisha Khan, studying Bms First year in Ritumbara College.


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