Porbandar is a coastal city in the Indian state of Gujarat perhaps it is best known for being the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi. It is the administrative center of Porbandar District.Here are some interesting facts that you must know about Porbandar:
1. Porbandar was formerly the seat of the eponymous princely state in British India. The ruling family of the state had been established in the area since at least the mid-16th century.
2. Upon the Independence of India in 1947, the state acceded unto the dominion of India. From February 15, 1948 it was merged with the ‘United State of Kathiawa and eventually came to form part of the present-day state of Gujarat.
3. On 31st December 2014 a Pakistani fishing vessel carrying explosives blew itself up after being chased by Coast Guard in sea for almost an hour.Four persons were seen on the boat. Indian Coast Guard ships and navy aircraft tried to intercept the boat near the India-Pakistan maritime boundary, about 365 km from Porbander in Gujarat.
4. It was also reported that when Indian Coast Guard ship warned the boat to stop for investigation the vessel tried to dodge the Indian officials.This continued for nearly one hour, and the Coast Guard ship managed to stop the fishing boat after firing warning shots.
5. The suspicious crew then hid themselves below the deck and set the vessel on fire, resulting in an explosion and a major fire.
Pakistani Boat Blows Itself Up At Sea Off Porbandar
Two More Suspicious Boats Intercepted By The Coast Guard Near Porbandar