5 Quick Facts About Sumitra Mahajan You Need To Know


1:-Sumitra Mahajan was born in April 12,1943. She is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. She belongs to the Bharatiya Janta Party.

2:-She is the eldest member of parliament who won the lok sabha elections for the eighth time.

3:-She has brought many projects for Indore from Railways, Aviation, Urban Development Ministry.

4:-Lok Sabha Speaker Sumita Mahajan on Wednesday stressed on the need for balance when considering the human rights of those accused of crime and the victims.

5:-Mahajan said,”It is important that no one should be in jails for years just like that. But at the same time, what is the circumstance of the victims?…They do not have physical wounds but mental wounds as well. There should always be a balancing view.”


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Aisha Khan

Hello there. I am Aisha Khan, studying Bms First year in Ritumbara College.


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