5 Quick Tips for TYBMS Project Viva

1. The External Faculty will be looking at subject knowledge (suppose Marketing, person should know what is marketing)
2. The External Faculty would ask the latest update about the subject what they have taken (On subject title)
3.Why this topic, Do you see yourself working in the same sector of what u have chosen?
4. Important part is student should know their content well, they should know what is their project all about
5. The External Faculty will be asking about how difficult it was to collect primary data and secondary data for project.
If any student can answer above 5 pointers, he / she is through with the Project Viva.

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Chaitali Chandarana
Teaching as a Visiting Faculty with St. Xavier's, Hinduja, Burhani, SGM College for BMS, BMM Students- CORM, PQM, Marketing, Logisitics, Strategic Management, CSR, Brand building Subjects


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