5 Random Facts That You Should Know About The Aussie Abbott-Tony Abbott


Anthony John Tonny Abbott is the 28th and also the current and 28th Aussie Prime Minister. Here is a set of random facts that you must know about him-

1. Abbott is although Australian but was born in England and his mother was Aussie but his father was English.

2. His education degrees include Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts and also a Master of Arts.

3. He has also worked as a journalist, manager, political advisor and also director of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy before being a politician.

4. On 1st January 2001 he got a medal for service as Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations.

5. Recently he has been another topic of global and trending news for

  • He passed the Spill Motion for 16 months while being the PM of the nation.

Bill Shorten moves a no confidence motion against Prime Minister Tony Abbott-

Abbott’s recent interview-

Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott
The Prime Minister of Australia-Tony Abbott
The Prime Minister of Australia-Tony Abbott

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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