5 Reasons Why Duck Dynasty is Loved by ALL!



If you haven’t heard about the show “DUCK DYNASTY” yet, then you have missed out on the most awesome reality show till date! Duck Dynasty is a show on the Robertson family of Louisiana. It attracted 8.6 million viewers to its Season 3 opener a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, the show’s Facebook page has more than 4.2 million fans. Have a look at the reasons on how did this happen.

  1. Funny: Duck Dynasty is a complete entertainment for all age groups. You don’t have to think much if your 7 year old son is watching this saga, it’s all cool! This show is very light and gives you positive vibes unlike other reality shows. You can relate with them. You don’t laugh The Robertsons but you laugh with them, which makes it one of the reasons to love Duck Dynasty.
  2. Family: Duck Dynasty is not a show that revolves around one person, but it’s about the whole Robertsons Family. They work, play and pray together. Never is their familial bond more evident than at the end of each episode, when they gather around the dinner table, hold hands and give thanks. This is again one more reason, afteral who sits around the table together now-a-days?
  3. Happy: This show just makes its viewers happy. They know how to connect and trigger their funny bone. They give you a different perspective towards life, which is less complicated.
  4. Slow: We are always in a rush in our lives. We hardly have time for our family and to relax. It gives you a reason to go out in the woods and loosen up a bit from the hectic urban life.
  5. Relate: I know we cannot relate with their long beards and their attire, its cliché but then you can always relate with their families. Sometimes you wish you could live the way they do, work, play and pray together!

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I can go on with the reasons and am sure all the Duck Dynasty lovers agree with this. If you haven’t seen it, make sure you do and I promise you will love them!

– Saloni Tolia

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