5 Reasons Why You Will Delete Your Facebook Account From Your Phone!



#Facebook  #likes #updates #shares #check ins #logins

We all are living in this wired world, where we know who is online, who is holidaying where and who is splurging on what. But, give me a break. Do we know what our mom is doing in the next room? Or where is your sibling? Or when your dad is going to arrive back home? LOL! We aren’t aware about them, because we are living in a wired world.

Many surveys have been conducted around the world on how much time do people spend online in a single day and the results are going to shock us.

A average youth spends 3.2 hours every day if they are online and are not multitasking, but if they multitask , they almost spend 7. 4 hours per day on online activities.

Majority of our time is eaten up by facebook and other social networks.

Few years back when the facebook app was introduced. We were happy to be online 24/7 now with just a internet connection to be on our list. But as the time passed we realized ( no, we have not realized)

Facebook has consumed our days together. You don’t believe me, check the link at the end. Here I am to give you 7 unbeatable reasons to delete the facebook app from your Smartphone right away.

fb intro

  1. Battery Eater.

Though it may sound funny, but the app takes a whole lot of our battery. Which you thought it didn’t. That’s the reason why your phones drain out off battery so soon and why you are always looking out for charging slots.

 battery 1

  1. Risks Factors

Did we ever read the terms and conditions before downloading any app? No, we never do. It            never makes sense to us. The small font, which makes sure we never read it. But here are some shocking T & C that facebook has.

a)       Allows the app to call phone numbers without your intervention. This may result in unexpected charges or calls. Malicious apps may cost you money by making calls without your conformation.

b)      Allows the app to send sms messages. This may result in unexpected charges or calls. Malicious apps may cost you money by making calls without your conformation

c)       Allows the app to record audio with microphone. This permission allows the app to record audio at any time without your confirmation.

d)      Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your permission.

e)      Allows the app to read your phone’s call log, including data about incoming and outgoing calls. This permission allows apps to save your call log data, and malicious apps may share call log data without your knowledge.

risks factor 2

  1. Detoxification.

We people are so connected to be connected that we have forgot that we have a life outside facebook. There is more to life than check ins and logins. Stop liking memories of other people and create your own. Memories created for yourself and not for the profile and cover pictures. Facebook is toxic and we are its victims. #DETOXIFY

  1. Family Time.

Creating family groups on facebook and posting and sharing blogs which relate us is keeps the humour alive in the group. But, we have a better option. Cut down your time on facebook and give a surprise to your family. By cooking a great dinner or booking some movie tickets or watching a family show with them on weekends. Bonding online won’t help, bonding with your near and dear ones always will. Blood relations are not to be compared.


  1. Addiction.

Yes, we all at a certain point of time went through this stage where we could not log out of our accounts. This resulted in many problems. Social and psychological problems. Insomnia is in the top of the list.


So for now I guess this are the sufficient reason that why do you need to delete facebook from your phone. And in the beginning I mentioned about the time you have spend. So check out the link below at your own risk because you may face a lot of guilt after knowing the results. So good luck.


Freny Mukesh Sachde

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