5 Reasons You Must Know For Not Changing The One You Love



‘There are no conditions in Love’ is a great saying when we talk of Love. But how many of us really practice this in real life? I mean don’t we have conditions when we select a life partner whom we want to spend our entire life with. For example you want the guy/girl to be handsome or beautiful. He should possess certain qualities, for some you want a guy or a girl who is reach, of your status, religion…aren’t these conditions? Then how do we say that we have no conditions in love?

Isn’t it something worth thinking? We wait all our life to find true love. One, who loves us, makes us feel special and treats us like a King or Queen. When the persona accepts us the way we are. Why do we try to change a thing that doesn’t suit us or one which we don’t like? Let us get detailed view about, as to what are the reasons we shouldn’t change the one we love and what are the consequences of it.

  1. Since we love them and love is not selfish. We have decided to spend our entire life together and share our life and we have come together because of love and love is never selfish and so we must accept the person with his/her faults and weaknesses.
  2. You might lose the person. Would you want to lose the person just because you are enforcing changes in them? Like it is difficult for us to change the same way it might be hard for the person to change and maybe the person might start feeling he is not able to keep you happy because of what he/she is then the person may think the best to leave you so that you remain happy.
  3. You might see a different person which you won’t like. In the process of entire change you may lose the person whom you loved and find an entirely new person. Are you ready for such a change?
  4. The love in the relationship may disappear. You will notice or you may not that you start emphasizing so much on change that the love in relationship will vanish. Do you want a person who fits your choice but doesn’t love you?
  5. The person might even change in his behaviour. For example, you do not like your boyfriend’s friends and so he stops talking to them. But at the same time you will see that he becomes a loner. He becomes a sad person from jolly person. Might get arrogant. Would you want your boyfriend or girlfriend to be like that?


We love our loved ones and can’t bare going far away from them so do not try to change them but try and make them understand and if they love you they surely will understand and do what is needed.

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