5 Reasons You Should Buy Moto G


moto g

It’s Cheap

If you are looking for a budget android phone for almost 12000 Rs, this is perfect for your requirements and this phone boosts a hardware which can even compete the big boys. You get great features in a rock bottom price.

Latest firmware

As Motorola is a Google company now, you get the best of google first. You will get the latest firmware 4.4.2 in your phone. If you have a Motorola mobile phone, you don’t have to worry about updates because you will get all the latest Android updates directly from Google without a sheer doubt.

Battery Life

You get a massive battery life. It can get running into hours with moderate use. You don’t need to keep looking for a charger every now and then, this phone will not die easily.


Youth like customization, you can have your phone as you want. You can show off your customized phone to other friends and it is really exciting for young college going people for whom ‘being cool’ is everything.

Mind blowing Hardware

You get a Snapdragon Quad Core processor; I mean that Is just amazing. You get such a fast and latest hardware through which you can comfortably use your apps, multitasking and games.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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