5 Reasons You Should NOT Be In A Relationship In A BMS College


5 Reasons You Should Not Be In A Relationship In A BMS College


A BMS College is a big party place where being in a relationship is a very common. It’s the time in your life when you are more interested in others’ relationship status and that awkward feeling you suffer from when you see couples all around you and you don’t have anyone to hold your hand. Don’t worry believe me everyone has gone through this phase some or the other day.

On the other thought is it really a good idea to be in a relationship or is it better to be single? Here I present the 5 Reasons you should not involve in college relationships especially in a BMS college:

  1. Time:

Being in a relationship snatches away your time. You would miss all the fun with your BMS friends and amazing parties just to spend time with your partner.


  1. Friends:

You remember that a girl who has ditched all her friends to be with her boyfriend? You don’t have to be like that. Find good BMS or other course friends with whom your bond will last long.


  1. BMS Grades:

Let’s not forget we all attend college and have taken admission in BMS to study. Relationships comes all the between your BMS academic life. You don’t come to college to flunk in the subject or to find your soul mate. Am I right?


  1. You’re young:

This is a time for you to enjoy your BMS college life and attend all the happening parties and college festivals in the town. You obviously don’t want someone to hold you back.


  1. Extra-Curricular activities:

Don’t let yourself sacrifice your hobbies for your partner. Give your free time for doing something you love which will prove useful for you in the long run.

Being in a relationship or not is always an individual’s choice but one should not stop themselves from doing something they like for anybody.




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Saloni Shetty