5 Shocking Facts About The E-mail Threat In Rajasthan


The other day, 16 Ministers of Rajasthan received an anonymous e-mail threatening a terror attack on January 26, Republic Day. This incident happened after the Intelligence Bureau of India and the CIA warned of a terror attack.

  • The Intelligence Bureau and the CIA had recently warned that Americans touring Rajasthan need to be on the look out owing to terror groups trying to target them. This is a very strange similarity that has been overlooked by many.
  • It is also a reason for worry as the US President Mr. Barack Obama would be in India on the same day.
  • The e-mail was sent  by a member of Mujahideen. The very same Indian Mujahideen which became the reason of sorrow and worry in Jaipur blast recently.
  • The other link which was found when the ISIS sponsored Ansar-ul-Tawhid was found recruiting youth from Rajasthan. This was a major link for the investigators as it was the Indian origin operative Sultan Armar who was carrying out these recruitments.
  • Rajasthan is a tourist destination and at any given time there are hosts of foreign tourists over there. It is a hot target for terrorists aiming to get international attention, the IB says.

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Nationality : Indian Education : First Year BMS Student


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