5 Signs That Shows BMS Students Are “Possessive” About Their Assignments


BMS students get assignments and projects for each subject in their 3rd year. Even the 1st and 2nd year students get projects if they are lucky but have you ever noticed that nerdy kid who doesn’t share their homework or assignment with you? Here are a few signs that shows that your classmate is possessive about sharing his work with you-


  1. My project is still not done/started yet.”

This is one of the most common lie students tell their fellow classmates to avoid the situation where they would ask permission to copy their assignments.  “Not started” is the best excuse cause then the question of copying doesn’t occur only.


  1. “I’ll get it tomorrow to college” and that day never comes.

The tomorrow excuse never gets old. Students usually try and avoid getting the assignment to college before the due date and they can somehow convince others that they will get in another day for them to copy. “Tomorrow” never comes and eventually they get it to college on the submission date only.


  1. “It’s not that great re, I need to make it better. Only then I’ll get it to college”.

Sure, like that is the truth? No it isn’t. The student is just fooling you into thinking that the project he has worked on is not worth copying and he wants you to catch hold of someone else.


  1. “My net is not working, or else I would have sent it by email. “

Yeah right, like the internet is the only way to share assignments and presentations. This is also just an excuse to avoid getting copied. You can catch hold of them by asking them to get it on a pen drive next day.


 copy paste



  1. They tell you they copied the whole thing from Wikipedia.

Well this can be true as many students copy their assignment from the net and do not use their own brain. But this can also be a reason to not share their project with you. Giving you the sources of their project will give you the information you need and it will make you get off their backs too.



The reasons people don’t share their assignments is cause they fear that the teacher will catch hold of the copy cases and they don’t want to score less just cause someone else copied their work for which they have worked hard for. Also, students are possessive about their work. If they have worked for the project, so shall the rest. Why should the rest just do the work of copying when you do all the hard work yourself?


This actually makes sense, but BMS students are lazy to do projects especially during the vacation days. Hence, they find out some or the other way to complete it. Next time you ask someone for their assignment and they give the above excuses, read between the lines and take the clue they are giving.


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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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