5 signs to detect Vitamin D deficiency


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Vitamin D is a vital vitamin to absorb calcium and phosphorous, which help growth of bones and teeth. To add to its function, it regulates whether to deposit minerals in the bones or withdraw them out of it. If minerals are drawn out more than deposited then it will leave the bones soft and weak.

Deficiency of vitamin D is not so prominent on the body and neither felt for many years. In fact the signs of deficiency are so common that they are many times ignored by us.On a long run the deficiency of vitamin D can cause serious health problems.

Some of the signs of deficiency of vitamin D to look for are:

1.  Depression:

This is a very common problem in many women as they deal with it on a daily basis. If you have a healthy diet and exercise regularly and can’t actually get the reason behind this feeling then it’s possible that you might be vitamin D deficient. Solution to this, is to get enough sunlight for at least 30mins per day or consult a doctor about a supplement.

2.  Cancer:

Yes.. CANCER! The researchers are not sure about how yet, but it looks like vitamin D deficiency is linked to cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer.

3.  Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes:

 Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is also linked to vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin helps in metabolizing glucose, thus causing poor blood sugar levels if it’s deficient. Since it affects depression too, people tend to overeat, causing diabetes.

4. Obesity:

This is one more sign of deficiency. Since even depression and diabetes is linked to it, many people dealing with obesity are often affected and this shortage makes it worse! Obesity might occur for some other reason too but you might want to consult the doctor regarding the deficiency first.

5. Bone Pain:

Like I said vitamin D is responsible for aiding calcium absorption from bones and to help keep them strong. You might be getting enough of calcium but if you are vitamin D deficient then it’s of no use because you can’t absorb it!

So, if you experience any of these signs then you might want to go see your doctor and get your levels checked.

Stay healthy!

– Saloni Tolia



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