5 state Amber alert comes to an end after the sons of fatally stabbed woman are found in New Jersey



A massive manhunt Friday ended with the safe recovery of two young boys whose mother was found  stabbed in their New Jersey apartment, authorities said.

According to the New Jersey State Police The boys’ father, John Jordan, 47, of Lodi, N.J., was in custody early Saturday.

The kids father apparently signed them out of their Lodi, N.J., school on  Friday morning giving an excuse of having a dental appointment and were missing for couple of hours.

Neighbors got scared for children and they suspected Jordan pulled little Nicholas, 8, and his brother Anthony, 7, out of school after killing his  spouse, 39-year-old Tracey Jordan, in her Garibaldi Ave apartment.

Tracey Jordan’s neighbors said she was about to get her divorce finalized and  had also found a new boyfriend: neighbor Ralph Dejulia, who told reporters that Jordan had been violent in the past.

Marie Monahan, the mother of the Ralph and Marie Dejulia said “You’ve got to be crazy to do something like that,” “All I know is they didn’t get along. I’m just praying to God (the kids are) okay.”

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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