5 Steps to Become The Ultimate Tech Geek!


tech geek

Being a tech geek is not about owning gadgets that are used in Bond movies or hacking computers, anybody can become a tech geek. The most important thing is to love technology, be addicted to it and follow these steps:

Be a Know-It-All

know it all

To be a tech geek you need to know computers, laptops, mobile phones, which hardware they have, which software they use, everything that’s inside it. You need to have knowledge about all major companies like Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, Apple and many more. You need to know about different Gadgets and try to own most of them, stay updated with latest technology.

Make Google your God


Google has got everything that you need to be a crazy tech geek. The information you can find on Google is so immense that basically Google is the God of internet. Know Google completely, you should be capable to utilize the Google services to the fullest.

Become a member

online community

You should be member of many websites, communities, forums, blogs, feeds etc. Don’t stick with just Facebook, explore the internet world which is so massive that you will never get enough of it. Use multiple email accounts, stay connected either by laptop, computer or even your mobile phone.

Choose your tech stuff

tech geek stuff

If you are a tech geek then you should just not use just a simple phone or computer with common software & hardware. Be unique, experiment and become a master of gadgets you own. Try to do things with your smart phones which normal people can’t do, learn Linux OS as it is popular for programmers, hackers, learn command prompt. Spend more on tech stuffs to own them.

Help others

geek is the new

Help ‘noobs’ who need your support when they are stuck at something. Show off your tech knowledge and skills, be a professional. Start a website, Share your knowledge and build a community, make yourself popular in the tech world. Have Scientific and Technological conversations among others. Build connections.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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