5 Super Easy Steps To Become A Blogger!



Blogging is a very popular aspect of the internet. Some do it for money, some just for hobby. Some write professional blogs, business blogs while some write about their favorite movie star. There is no age or no particular qualification required for blogging, just a bit of knowledge and skills and you can just sit in front of your computer and start blogging now.

Enjoy Blogging

First thing about blogging is that you have to enjoy it because blogging requires a lot of self motivation. You are blogging because you love it, in any work it is important to love it or else there will be a time when you will get bored of it or not really have that enthusiasm to do it and there will be no one to motivate you either. So first ask yourself that you will give writing the time and a bit of effort require but also at the same point enjoy doing it, if answer is yes then you can start blogging. The Mantra is that once you start, just have patience and do not give up!

Find a Medium

There are many ways to start writing, you can join blogging websites, like bms.co.in, write articles on what you love and post them regularly as these sites require lot of content and they give opportunities to bloggers to write for them, some also pay for it.You can use some free sites like blogger, or you can go next level and start your own website. There are many mediums a bit of research and you might find the best fit for you.

Social Networking

You need to be having some social networking knowledge, it is important to know Facebook and Twitter as it will help grow your blog, post your stuff on these sites. What is the point of writing is no one is going to read it, so just make sure you join some websites, online forums where you can promote your blogs.


Build Connections

Making friends in the blogging world is important. Have your blog listed in other writer’s blogs and vice versa, it helps it grow. You cannot work alone, It will be important specially if you have your own website as initially no one would know it but if you build connections it will grow, it is like a chain reaction and at the end you will help yourself grow and also help others.

Start Writing

Don’t waste time, now just start writing, if you are stuck somewhere just remember you have the God of Internet, Google, with you. You have to write and just write if you want to become a professional, try to give some time to writing if you are serious about it and also give efforts to market it.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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