5 Super Foods That Would Help You Lose Weight Now
Now a days having a fit body is a must for everyone. A fit body not only signifies that you are hale and hearty, but it also helps in the well being of your state of mind. You feel active and positive throughout the day and everything just seems right! You don’t feel lethargic and it adds a glow on your face throughout the day. So here is my new article advising you about the foods that would help you guys to keep a rain check on your weight and help you look just fabulous!!!
1) Beans-
Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more.
2) Apples-
Low in calories and high in fiber, apples are satisfying and sweet. Dried apples also helped participants lose some weight. The researchers think that antioxidants and pectin may be responsible for the benefits—and say fresh apples probably would be even more effective.
3) Oats-
Oats are rich in fiber, so a serving can help you feel full throughout the day. Just a half cup packs 4.6 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
4) Cabbage-
Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, cabbage is a great immune-booster. Enjoy it lightly sautéed in a stir-fry or paired with sweet-tart apples. Or, try this recipe for red cabbage and apple salad with ginger vinaigrette.
5) Hot Red Pepper-
Eating a bowl of spicy chili regularly can help you lose weight. In a Japanese study, 13 women who ate breakfast foods with red pepper ate less than they normally did at lunch. The magic ingredient may be capsaicin, which helps suppress appetite.
So try these and be healthy and fabulous!!