5 Superb Reasons That Makes ‘Shamitabh’ A Must Watch In 2015



Shamitabh is an upcoming Bollywood movie which is slated to release on 6 February 2015. Directed by R. Balki, the film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Dhanush and debutant Akshara Hassan.

Here are 5 reasons why Shamitabh will be a worthwhile:

1) This is the third outing of R. Balki and Amitabh Bachchan together and R. Balki has always been successful in bringing out hidden shades of the actor.

Amitabh Bachchan


2) The ensemble star cast brings out another reason why this movie is a must watch. The deadly trio – Dhanush (megastar Rajnikanth’s son-in-law), Akshara Hassan (legendary actor Kamal Hassan’s younger daughter) and of course Amitabh Bachchan.


Amitabh Bachchan, Dhanush and Akshara

3) Usually an idea is given through the trailer on how the movie is about to be, but  Shamitabh’s trailer has given a complex outlook regarding the movie with the leads portraying unusual and intense characteristics.

Amitabh Bachchan in Shamitabh

Akshara Hassan in Shamitabh

4) Another reason why this movie is a must watch is because of the music. The music has been composed by the music legend Ilaiyaraaja and his music has always been a treat to hear.


5) Shamitabh is the first Bollywood movie which got to be shot in Finnish Lapland and in Helsinki. The choice of places and beauty of the landscapes, all add up to presenting an amazing visual treat.

Finnish Lapland




Here is the trailer of Shamitabh


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Nationality : Indian Education : First Year BMS Student


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