Every college vacation trip organized always aims to have fun and create an education value for the students. Here are 5 Superb Ways To Choose A Perfect College Vacation Destination:
1) Develop a group of friends alongwith a professor to brainstorm ideas on their favorite places to hangout with college students.
2) Although you may get amazing ideas on great places to visit but majority of the times students can’t afford such places. This is where you need to contemplate on the places which can benefit the students and also stays within the budget.
3) Send an email to all the students of your college / put it up on the notice board / send messages in the whatsapp group or facebook group and ask them to come for an open meeting where you can make an ultimate decision on where to go.
4) Once you get the confirmed number of students who are genuinely interested to make it a rocking college vacation, then take the help of a travel agent who can give you details of the pricing and other formalities required to travel. Accompany a professor with you who is friendly and wants to be a part of this vacation.
5) Collect money from each student and get it in writing from their parents /elders about the trip, so that you need not be responsible if anything wrong happens in the trip. Fix a date, pay the money to the travel agent, hold another meeting with all the attendees about the rules and regulations and Enjoy your great vacation 🙂