5 Surprising Reasons You Should Deactivate Your Facebook Account Immediately


Are you a facebook addict who feels whatever happens in your life has worth only if you put it on Facebook? Do you think that having no account on Facebook = having no friends? Do you think you can be connected to the world only by your presence on Facebook?


Well here we present 5 convincing reasons to quit Facebook and actually save your life:

1) Facebook asks all the information about you, your likes, dislikes, family, school, college, how are you feeling, what’s on your mind etc. If you don’t update the information, it considers your profile as incomplete and blocks you temporarily at times. If are not active on Facebook, it keeps you reminding that there are 8 or 10 or 100 or 1000 people out there with whom you can still be connected to. And once you are an active person, you get influenced by others’ constant status updates, selfies, photos, etc. and tend to do the same. In short, you have put your privacy at stake. Everyone who is in your friendlist or even public will get to know where you were last night and what you are planning to do in the coming days which is not really a cool idea.

2) Writing on walls and sending private messages has become your passion. Right from getting up in the morning to sleeping late night, you cannot think of anything except updating a status on Facebook or chatting with your online friends. It really keeps you so busy that you just forget that you can also communicate with your friends by meeting them or calling them on phone. Facebook replaces all the personal offline communication with friends. You simply stop enjoying going out and forget that there is a beautiful world outside to explore. 

3) You really do not have a free time. Whenever anyone asks you to do anything, you say you are busy. Are you occupied with your work or college or studies? If yes, then its okay and if no, then is it facebook eating up your free time? You don’t even know how many hours you end up spending by looking at random photo albums or fussing over someone’s hypocritical status. You don’t have free time to breathe fresh air. If any of your friends call you for hiking a mountain or long drives, you simply ignore them as it disconnects you from the social media sphere.

4) Facebook started off to stay connected to school, college, office friends and then it became a medium of expression. If you are depressed or frustrated with anything wrong going in your life, write a status. Facebook has become a right to the freedom of speech by writing petitions, notes, etc. And in return you get 100s of opinions from people who do or don’t agree on what you think is right or wrong. Well, does it save your time or does it make you happy? No! Infact, you become more confused and frustrated reading the mindless amounts of opinions being posted at an accelerated rate that provide nothing other than a personal podium. It becomes too many voices trying to use your status as a medium to express what they feel which is nothing less than social work. And You develop a negative outlook towards life and drag other people’s mood down with you. 

5) There are some memories or experiences which you certainly want to delete from your life. But still your friends on Facebook would love to tag you in embarrassing photos, locations, status updates which you don’t want to remember or relive. Just imagine if your boss or college principal has full access to your personal life and if you happen to play hooky from work, there are high chances you will be caught! Have a job and make a living 🙂

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