5 Surprisingly Interesting Facts You Never Knew About Shazia Ilmi


On Saturday, Shazia Ilmi and G.R. Gopinath quit AAP citing differences with Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership and “jail politics”. However, Shazia Ilmi cleared that she is not joining any other party and her decision to quit AAP is due to lack of inner-party democracy which always talks about self-rule.


Here are 5 Surprisingly Interesting Facts You Never Knew About Shazia Ilmi:

1) Shazia Ilmi belongs to a Kanpur-based Muslim family and had links to the Indian National Congress political party.

2) Shazia’s father was the Founder and Editor of Siyasat Jadid which is a Kanpur-based newspaper.

3) Shazia Ilmi completed her college education from St. Bede’s College, Shimla. She got a degree in journalism and broadcasting at Jamia Millia Islamia and University of Wales, Cardiff.

4) She is a social activist and was working as a TV journalist and anchor at Star News.

5) She also led a media campaign for an anti-corruption bill known as Jan Lokpall Bill and was a spokesperson for the India Against Corruption movement led by Anna Hazare in 2011 and 2012.

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