5 Symptoms Of Common Cold Or Flu


Common Cold are contagious and irritating. You can’t go anywhere without a handkerchief as it becomes your friend in need, helping you when you are busy with your runny-nose. The symptoms, which are primarily in the nose, are frequently gone in seven to 10 days although they can last from two to 14 days.


  • Runny Nose: A runny nose and/or nasal congestion (stuffy nose) are two of the most common symptoms of a cold. Someone with a cold also may have post-nasal drip.
  • Sneezing: Sneezing is triggered when the mucus membranes of the nose and throat are irritated.
  • Cough: A dry cough or one that brings up mucus, known as a wet or productive cough, can both accompany a cold. Coughs tend to be the last cold-related symptom to go away and can last from one to three weeks. If it does not then visit your doctor for evaluation.
  • Sore Throat: A sore throat feels dry, itchy, and scratchy and makes swallowing painful and even difficult.
  • Slight Muscle Ache: In some cases a cold virus can cause a slight all-over body ache though muscle ache is more common with the flu.




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