5 Things Men Need To Know Before Talking To A Woman



May be you met her on the road or she is your colleague, may be your classmate or even your neighbour and to the extent your wife and your mother. No matter where you meet her or who she is it is very important for a man to know how to talk to a woman. Honestly most men do not really know how to talk to a woman. If you want her to respect you and consider you to be a true gentleman you need to know what, when, how and what way to talk to her to make her feel comfortable to talk to you.

  1. Give a decent approach

When you have to talk to a woman, always approach her decently. You may not be too formal but you can always ask her she is willing to talk before starting a conversation. This will make her feel that you are a nice person and make her comfortable enough to talk to you.

  1. Take care of gestures and body language

It is very important to have a good control of your body language whilst talking to a woman. Do not stare at her or point out to her body parts or make some bad signs or signals that can make her feel uncomfortable to talk to you. Although some may not do it deliberately but if you do not keep a control on your body postures it may seem bad and put a wrong impression on her.

  1. Maintain distance

While talking to a woman maintain at least 1 to 2 arms distance. Do not go too close to her that she may misunderstand your intensions.

  1. Be polite by words and deeds

Every woman is sensitive no matter how harsh she looks on the outside. So you understand what you’re talking and how you’re talking to her. Think well before you speak. Speak politely and behaviour in a kind manner. If that woman id your friend or your colleague and you are aware of her personal matters, don’t make a fuss out of it or talk anything against it. If you wish to help her, be supportive. 

  1. Don’t be boastful or bossy

You cannot act all bossy and dominating while talking to her and show off your male ego. Keep all this in control before approaching her. Don’t force her for a conversation with you; she will talk to you if she is willing to. Respect her identity of a woman and her decisions.

There are very few men who follow these things nowadays but it is very important that all men follow these things to make a woman comfortable and safe enough to talk to you. Men need to keep this thing in mind that every woman is someone’s mother, daughter, sister and wife, if you would not like the women of your house to be treated badly then don’t even treat the women of other person’s house badly. Change starts from home, so be the change.

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Daisy Pais


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