5 Things Scholar Students Say After College Exams And What They Really Mean


worst exam


#1. This was my worst paper ever.

What you think: Oh! He/she will fail for sure.

What they mean: I cannot top the exams this time.


#2. I left the answer sheet blank.

What you think: Oh! He/she must not have attempted all questions.

What they mean: I didn’t get time to attempt optional questions.


#3. The paper was very lengthy.

What you think: Oh! He/she must have not got time to complete case study/long answer questions.

What they mean: I didn’t get time to recheck few question’s answers.


#4. Questions were out of syllabus.

What you think: Oh! He/she must not have attempted those questions.

What they mean: The answers written by me were not based on any textbook/notes.


#5. Questions were very tricky.

What you think: Oh! He/she must have written wrong answers.

What they mean: My class professor never told me that such questions are going to come.



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